Solar Panel Company in Gold Coast
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Hundreds of thousands of Australian home and business owners have worked out that paying for a solar power system is significant cheaper than paying ongoing energy bills.
It typically only takes 3 years to save more money off your energy system than the solar system cost to buy.
Below is a example of how much money your losing by paying your energy bills directly.
Below is a example of how much money your losing by paying your energy bills directly.
Shocking News!
In our survey we asked 400 gold coast home owners who didn’t have a solar panel system about the financial benefits of a solar and found that a staggering 92% of people who were not taking advantage of solar power on their property didn’t understand the financial benefits.
Is solar power financially worth it?
Everyone needs electricity to run their appliances, the less money you pay for that privilege the better. Based on that premise, if your going to live in the house for at least 3 years or more a solar system will work out cheaper.
Also, never forget the value of the solar panels that under an extensive 25 year warranty performance warranty will continue to provide huge amounts of usable power for many years into the future.
Take into consideration that if you don’t get a solar power system on your Gold Coast home all you will end up doing is spending the same amount of money on 3 years of energy bills. However in 3 years time you would have lost the same amount of money a solar panel system would have cost for 25 years of energy. Its a no brainier!
“People don’t get a solar quote for their Gold Coast property to save money! They solar panels because if they don’t they end up losing a lot of Money!”

Why adding hybrid Tesla or LG battery’s are a bad financial idea in 2017 and 2018
There’s a very good reason why Supreme Power is Australia’s leading solar panel supplier, its because we put the customer first. We make every effort to analyses each customer situation and we have done this with the new hybrid solar battery’s systems that are available on today’s market.
The conclusion is simple –
When you sell power back to the grid you get up to 0.10c p/kw, however if you get batteries, you will not get this benefit any more. So if you story power in batteries you DO NOT save 0.28c but only 0.18c. This is what they don’t tell you!
Solar batteries Gold Coast exposed!
I have broken down the investment so you can see for yourself how it works out. If you pay out $7700 for a hybrid solar battery supplied and installed, and you store 5kw of energy each night here is a breakdown of the investment –
5kw x 0.18c = 0.90c
0.90c x 365 days in the year = $328 per year savings.
$7700 outlay / $328 = 23 years to get your money back
(4.2% ROI Annually)
I’m not saying solar batteries aren’t a good idea, i love the concept but i would do it for the environment and NOT to save money because at 4.2% you might as well invest the $7700 and use the interest to pay your energy bill!
On Grid Solar system is completely different
Your cost $5500
Average savings per year $1800
$5500 / 1800 = 3
(33% ROI Annually)
Actual Value of your new solar system
When a solar power system is purchased if a government rebate was deducted from the cost of the system you most likely only paid around 60% of the total value. This means current solar panel owners actually own systems worth significantly more that what they paid.
ROI (Your return On Investment with solar power)
After you get solar installed you should be making around 30% return annually on that system. How many other investments do you have that gives you this sort of return?
What does your super pay? 5 -8% ?
What does your bank give you? 3-5% ?
What did your house give you in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015?
“When you look at it like this Solar is a very financially intelligent investment!”
Simple Financial Education
Any money that people generate through working need to put those funds in a place that’s both secure and allows that money to work as hard as it can for you. If you know of an investment that is as secure as the sun coming out each day and returns you more than solar 30% then I would recommend that you don’t get solar power but instead invest those funds into that investment instead, then use the interest/dividend to pay your electricity bill.
It really doesn’t matter what you put your money into to generate a returns or dividends as long as it’s working hard for you and it’s secure. Remember solar power is as reliable as the sun coming out and if that didn’t happen you’d have a lot more to worry about other than your electricity bill.
For home owners that intend to live in their property for more than 2 years require solar to prevent losing their hard earned cash on electricity usage.
“I choose my words carefully when i say that working for money then spending those funds on paying your electricity bill’s when there are electricity off-setting investments such as solar PV power is financial Madness!”
The current federal government have incentives in place geared towards helping home owners pay for a Solar Power System.
This is a different type of incentive set by individual State governments; these incentives regulate how much value your exported electricity will achieve. Don’t get confused with the two different incentives legislated by Australian governments.
- The Federal Government Rebate is in the form of STC’s or LGC’s. (Small Technology Certificates) OR (Large-scale Generation Certificates)There is also a state government incentive in place that relates to the price set for exported electricity. This means that customers who own a solar PV Power system can export unused energy back into the grid, and the state government scheme decides on how much each consumer would get from their electricity supplier. Don’t get this confused by your electricity retailer (The company who sends your electricity bill) this company doesn’t have to pay anything in any state if they decide not too, other than the money handed to them from your electricity supplier that will come as a credit on your bill. Some electricity retailers do pay out addition credit for exported electricity. Origin currently gives 0.06c and AGL is paying 0.08c. This is on top of the electricity supplier’s amount. Other retailers also have other similar plans in place. Also note that in some areas your electricity supplier is the same company as your retailer. Companies such as Ergon Energy are both retailer and supplier.
- STC’s are usually traded by your solar power retailer. Most reputable solar retailers will discount the same amount off the cost of your solar power system.
Feed in tariffs and Solar
A tariff is a term given to a rate of pay that is attracted to each unit over a certain time period. A Good price for your exported electricity back into the FIT (Feed in tariffs) are most important when you are not using much of the electricity produced by your solar power system each day. If you use most of it or all of it, it will make very little difference if you have a high feed in tariff price against someone else who has a very low feed in tariff price. The reason for this is, if you’re using your solar power, you’re saving the same price of what you would usually get charged for the power from your electricity retailer.
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