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Solar vs. Traditional Energy: Cost and Environmental Comparison

Written by Karan Doshi | Sep 22, 2023 2:45:52 AM

You have been relying on traditional energy sources because it has been convenient to use and easily available. But with the changing energy landscape in the world, have you thought about how long you and your next generation will be able to use them? 

The rising concerns over the limited fossil fuels left in the world are leading to a major shift towards sustainable sources due to environmental concerns. Since fossil fuels are limited, finding better and more sustainable options becomes necessary. 

Solar energy is one such substitute that has shown massive growth. From powering the appliances at home to reducing hefty electric bills in commercial properties, you can easily rely on solar energy.

Yet most people still rely on traditional energy sources because of their cheaper price and easy accessibility. But does that mean they are better? To get the perfect understanding, we have prepared this article covering solar energy vs. fossil fuel comparison on a cost and environment basis.

What is Solar Energy?  

Solar energy is a form of sustainable energy generated by capturing and converting the sun’s radiation into usable power. It requires the installation of solar modules at sunlight-exposed places like the rooftop of household or commercial property. 

Solar panels have photovoltaic (PV) cells that convert sunlight into electricity. You can also save the excess solar power generated during peak hours in solar batteries for later usage. But to do that, you need to install an appropriate number of panels that fulfil your daily energy needs and even store some in your battery system.

Moreover, photovoltaics is also transforming as now you can get it fitted in the buildings during construction and get flexible options for easy installation.

What are traditional energy sources?  

Traditional energy includes the power derived from three types of fossil fuels. It comprises coal, petroleum and natural gas. All these fuels are generated through organic processes but are finite as they take millions of years. 

Fossil fuels are present underground, causing huge expenditure in mining and drilling for their usage. Later, regulated industries burn them to break down their atom bonds that store energy and generate electric power.

What are the differences between solar and traditional energy?

Apart from origin, there are two main solar energy vs. traditional energy comparisons that you should look for before making your choice. 

Solar Energy vs Fossil Fuels: Cost Comparison 

Cost is one of the crucial factors that determines the purchase decisions of most people. The price of fossil fuels per kilowatt-hour can range between 5-17 cents, while the cost of solar energy has reduced by 3-6 cents per kilowatt hour. 

Although fossil fuels are well-researched and accessible, the reduction in their availability and increasing demand has caused a significant increase in their mining cost and a constant rise in electricity prices. 

On the contrary, continuous research and technological innovation have led to a significant drop in solar panel prices by more than 20% in the last 5 years, indicating more reduction soon.  

Once installed, solar panels are inexpensive and don’t require too much maintenance. You can earn money by selling extra generated power back to grid power companies. 

Still, the initial solar installation cost can seem a little high and not something everyone can afford. However, with appropriate research, you can get high-quality panels at a lesser cost. For that:

  • Firstly, you should calculate the correct size of the system for optimum performance. It can be a little tricky but necessary. 
  • Check all the options offered by your solar panel provider for buying back the excess power. 
  • Consider getting a battery storage system for keeping excess power instead of selling it back to the grid. Since energy providers don’t pay the same price for solar energy as they charge for electricity, solar batteries can be a more cost-effective choice. 
  • Look for available incentives and grants by federal and state governments on solar panels. Even some companies have numerous grants, enabling you to pay less for installation. 
  • Ensure optimum solar system output by avoiding obstacles that may prevent sunlight from reaching the panels. It includes coverage of dust and debris over solar modules, insufficient sunlight, and a lack of proper panel orientation. 
  • Consider the panels with a payback period of 2-3 years, enabling free energy for the rest of the solar period.

Solar Energy vs Traditional Energy: Environmental Comparison

When considering solar energy in terms of the environment, it is one of the cleanest forms of energy. Solar energy doesn’t release harmful gases and causes a lesser impact on the environment than traditional energy sources. 

Environment Impact of Traditional Energy: 

  • Climate change: 
    The burning of fossil fuels causes the release of harmful greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide. It leads to climate change and global warming. 
  • Air and Water Pollution:
    Traditional energy sources can cause the emissions of hazardous pollutants such as nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides, volatile organic compounds and particulate matter in the air, contributing to smog, acid rain, or respiratory issues. 
    Similarly, the discharge of these harmful substances into the water can contaminate water sources, causing health problems. 
  • Water Usage: 
    The traditional energy sources require significant amounts of water in extraction, such as in the formation of oil sands and shale gas production, causing water shortages in areas prone to water stress.
  • Environment degradation:
    Mining of traditional energy sources causes a significant decrease in natural minerals and a heavy impact on biodiversity. 


In this solar vs. traditional energy comparison, both hold significant advantages over one another. While solar energy is sustainable and environment-friendly, fossil fuels are a more accessible choice due to their significant presence in our lives.

We hope the above comparison of cost and environmental impact between solar and traditional energy will help you to determine which energy source suits your power requirements.