Solar investment is an ideal choice from both financial and environmental perspectives. It helps you to become energy independent and reduce your carbon footprint. However, do you know how your solar system is performing? Are you concerned that it may not be offering optimum performance? If these thoughts are troubling you, then Solaredge Inverter Monitoring Platform is the solution you need.
Solaredge Monitoring Portal is an incredible tool that helps you to track your solar system’s performance in real-time. From solar energy production and consumption to immediate alerts if any issue arises, you can get all updates with the monitoring portal. But how can I access Solaredge monitoring?
As a beginner to solar energy, it can look a little overwhelming. So we have curated this guide for beginners covering everything you need to know about using the Solaredge Inverter Monitoring Portal.
Solaredge monitoring is a cloud-based platform that enables users and installers to monitor the technical and financial performance of all their PV modules attached to the Solaredge equipment. It provides users with optimum yield performance by immediate fault detection and notifying them at module, system and string levels.
Moreover, it uses smart algorithms for tracking the current, power and voltage of all PV modules, inverters and other necessary indicators, enabling you to check accurate information about each module’s current and past performance. So you can manage and see when the system requires maintenance and save yourself from unnecessary site visit expenses.
You can use this monitoring platform on your desktop or install the app on your smartphone. This way, you can use the Solaredge App to monitor your solar installation even when you are travelling.
To operate the Solaredge monitoring platform, you must set up your Solaredge account. Usually, your solar panel installer will guide you through the step-by-step process of using Solaredge Monitoring, which includes the following steps:
You will see a dropdown menu next to your username. Click on it and select ‘User Settings’. The user setting window will appear, and you need to fill in all your details, such as:
Lastly, click Save, and you are ready to access your Solaredge Monitoring platform.
Once you set your preference and log in to the system, your site dashboard appears. It contains all the necessary information about your solar systems, such as real-time power production, consumption and environmental benefits.
So if you want to figure out ‘How can I monitor if my solar panels are working?’ you can do it by using the available data on the dashboard.
Let’s dig deeper into all the features:
On the left-hand side, you will see a site overview column. It will offer you data about energy today, this month, total system lifetime energy and even total revenue since installation.
Under the site overview, you can see a Power Flow diagram, indicating the real-time system behaviour -from solar production to home consumption and grid import and export. For the system equipped with Solaredge, you can see the battery charge/discharge status.
It offers you daily, weekly and monthly power production and consumption details. So if you have installed the consumption meter, you can see the production data with the percentage of self-consumption, export and import from the grid.
You can also set your solar energy data to fit your electricity billing cycle, enabling you to view your energy data per cycle in the power and energy chart below the consumption bar.
This chart provides the year-to-year comparisons of energy produced at your solar system site. It also allows you to see the monthly, quarterly and yearly output.
On the right side, you can see the site details box, offering all the necessary information such as site status, ID, name, installation date, location, address, date of when the information was last updated, and peak power of the site.
It shows the current weather conditions with forecasts for the next few days, enabling you to estimate the future power generation level.
If you want to reduce carbon emissions, the right-side bottom area will depict a positive impact of your site on the environment. It includes data on CO2 emissions saved and equivalent trees planted.
You can also download and save all data to your desktop. To do that, click on ‘Export as CSV’.
You can access the Solaredge Monitoring Platform from anywhere, anytime, by downloading the Solaredge App on your smartphone.
Solaredge inverter monitoring is an incredible way to track your solar system’s performance and ensure timely maintenance. We hope all the points discussed in this guide will make accessing this platform easier. If you have any other doubts, like how accurate is Solaredge monitoring, then feel free to contact our team of experts.