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Agrivoltaics: A Win-Win for Solar and Agriculture

Written by Karan Doshi | Jan 17, 2023 6:50:47 AM

The world is in a constant state of evolution, and with that comes new technologies and solutions to age-old problems. Thanks to the development of Agrivoltaics. We’ve all heard of solar energy and agriculture, but have you ever heard of Agrivoltaics? 

Agrivoltaics is a unique combination of the two industries that presents an exciting opportunity to harness both agriculture and solar energy. Agriculture and solar power have found an innovative way to work together. By combining the two resources, it’s possible to produce clean energy while also protecting crops. Let’s explore how agrivoltaics works and why it’s such an effective solution. 

What is Agrivoltaics? 

Agrivoltaics is a fairly simple concept – solar panels are placed above agricultural land, allowing them to capture sunlight without taking up much space on the ground below. This minimizes negative impacts on crop yields while still providing clean energy from the sun. The technology has been around for some time, but recent advancements allow for more efficient use of both resources; for example, solar panel systems are now able to be adjusted in height depending on the size of the crops planted beneath them. 

How Does Agrivoltaics Work?

Agrivoltaics combines solar panels with farming operations on the same land. Agrivoltaic systems are typically arranged in rows, with PV panels spaced apart to allow air flow and sunlight to reach the ground level where crops are planted. This arrangement optimizes the amount of sunlight that reaches each plant while still allowing enough space for efficient harvesting. Additionally, these systems can be modified to accommodate different types of crops depending on local conditions such as soil type and climate. For example, some farmers may decide to install PV panels over low-lying areas in order to capture moisture from rain or irrigation runoff which can then be used for crop growth.

The PV panels can also provide shade for plants, reducing stress from high temperatures. The panels also act as noise barriers, reducing sound pollution from nearby roads or other sources. This type of system allows farmers to maximize their harvest while still taking advantage of the sun’s clean energy for electricity generation. By installing solar panels above their crops, farmers can reduce water usage, increase crop yields, and reduce their own electricity bills.

How much does Agrivoltaics cost?

Starting a solar power system can be overwhelming with the high costs involved. To make it easier, many councils across Australia have created ways for agribusinesses to finance their green solutions without worrying about cash flow upfront! Environmental Upgrade Finance (Building Upgrade Finance) is designed specifically as an affordable loan option that helps farmers install sustainable systems and maintain financial security at the same time.

Benefits of Agrivoltaics 

Agrivoltaic systems provide multiple benefits for both farmers and the environment. For example, by shading crops from direct sunlight, they help keep temperatures lower which helps reduce water use and evaporation from soil moisture. The shade also has a positive effect on crop growth as well as better control over pests and weeds. Additionally, installing solar panels above crops reduces wind speeds which helps protect against erosion and mechanical damage to crops.  

For farmers who install agrivoltaic systems on their land, they can generate additional income through selling excess electricity generated by the solar panels back to utilities companies or offering space for other businesses to rent out the space beneath them for corporate events or activities such as yoga classes or concerts.  In addition to these economic benefits, agrivoltaic systems also help reduce carbon emissions due to reduced use of fossil fuels for electricity generation purposes. 

What crops can be grown with Agrivoltaics?

The answer to this question is that crops that work best with agrivoltaics depend on the specific needs of the area and its environment. Generally speaking, high-yielding crops that are adapted to local climatic conditions are ideal. When choosing crops for an agrivoltaics system, it is important to select those that can tolerate some level of shade on their leaves while still providing high yields. Examples of commonly grown agrivoltaics crops include tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, zucchini, greens such as lettuce and spinach, herbs such as basil and sage, Crops such as lettuce, spinach, basil, kale, cabbage, and chard are ideal candidates because they are all able to grow in partial shade conditions yet still produce high yields with minimal inputs.  


Agrivoltaics offers a unique opportunity for farmers looking to diversify their income streams while still maintaining their agricultural operations. As the technology continues to progress over time we will likely see more opportunities arise for small and large scale producers alike who want to take advantage of its many benefits. How can solar energy be used in agriculture? By combining agriculture and solar power together through agrivoltaic systems we can create a win-win situation that protects crops while also producing clean energy – something that is vital for our planet’s future sustainability!